
Marketing is the action of promoting a product or service. Marketing is a broad term that encompasses all activities involving the advertising and selling of an item to customers.

The goal of marketing is to identify the ideal customers for a particular product or service, and then promote that item in a way that captures these customers’ interest.

Understanding marketing

Marketing involves drawing in new customers as well as building the relationship with existing ones to keep them coming back. This includes any promotional efforts that seek to engage customers and make sales, including phone calls and in-person events, online and print advertising, social media and influencer marketing, and branding.

Depending on the type of business, marketing efforts may target either businesses or consumers. Business to business (B2B) marketing directs all promotional activities toward an audience of businesses. For example, B2B marketers at a software company may advertise and sell primarily to other companies, rather than to individuals. Business to consumer marketing (B2C), on the other hand, involves marketing to consumers.